Your free ticket to
ISH 2025, Frankfurt

Visit us at ISH:
17. – 21. March 2025
Hall 3.0 / Booth C91

The ISH will take place in Frankfurt am Main from 17 to 21 March 2025. Under the motto ‘Solutions for a sustainable future’, this year's world's leading trade fair for HVAC + water will present innovative ideas for drainage, heating and air conditioning technology. Dallmer will also be there with exciting new developments for maximum safety and design freedom.

Your free ticket

Would you like to meet Dallmer in Frankfurt in March? We'd like to give you the trade fair ticket for free, just follow these three easy steps: 

  1. Please fill in the form below
  2. You will automatically receive an e-mail with a voucher code
  3. Redeem the voucher code on the ISH website. You will find a link in your e-mail or simply via ISH

Order a free voucher code for your ticket

We look forward to your visit!

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